Adult Ministries
We offer Sunday School Classes for all ages and stages of life. We are very proud of our Sunday School Teachers who put amazing effort into their studies and into their teaching.
Going on right now: Adults meet from 6:30-7:30pm on Wed. evenings. For Women: Wednesday mornings at 10am and 6:15-7:30pm on Wednesday evenings. For Men: Saturday mornings starting at 7 am In addition to our Sunday School classes, we hold Men's Breakfast and Women's Breakfast once a quarter. Serving great food, we allow one of our men or women to teach a devotion to the rest of the group. We have also started Connection Groups to help foster friendships and allow people to get to know one another better through activities and bible study. We have several fellowships every year from volleyball tournaments and horseshoes to Christmas parties. For More info contact our church office. |